Google’s DeepMind AI Can Lip-Read TV Shows Better Than a Pro

Google’s DeepMind AI Can Lip-Read TV Shows Better Than a Pro

Published By: New Scientist, 11/21/2016

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The researchers at Google have trained an AI how to lip-read TV shows. Such an AI system could be used to help humans communicate with computers — including perhaps when they did not intend to.

Extended Discussion Questions

  • The article suggests that if the lip-reading AI system is successfully developed, it could be use to supplement systems like Siri or Google Assistant. What other real-world applications could it have? Who might want to use it?
  • The dataset used to train the system was from BBC news broadcasts. What kind of problems could this pose for using the system more broadly?
  • What kind of training data would you choose as input, to make the system most effective for the potential applications we talked about earlier?
  • What ethical issues could be raised by the introduction of an accurate automatic lip-reading system?

Relating This Story to the CSP Curriculum Framework

Global Impact Learning Objectives:

  • LO 7.1.1 Explain how computing innovations affect communication, interaction, and cognition.
  • LO 7.3.1 Analyze the beneficial and harmful effects of computing.

Global Impact Essential Knowledge:

  • EK 7.3.1A Innovations enabled by computing raise legal and ethical concerns.

Other CSP Big Ideas:

  • Idea 2 Abstraction

Banner Image: “Network Visualization – Violet – Offset Crop”, derivative work by ICSI. New license: CC BY-SA 4.0. Based on “Social Network Analysis Visualization” by Martin Grandjean. Original license: CC BY-SA 3.0

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